I remember It was a Sunday. A beautiful Sunday. No cloud but only blue sky. Slowly, the train pulled to the station, Conegliano. There, we stayed for two hours before our next train arrived. We got out of
stazione, walked under the archway of Scalinata degli Alpini and reached an open piazza of Teatro Accademia. Beside it was a winding footpath, we followed the sign and reached the top of a hill. There was an umbrella pine, bending low in a car park in front of the church. Not far away from it was a bell tower, stood tall in the sky. We strolled around and descended the same footpath back to the piazza of Teatro Academia, the place where families gathered after Sunday church. In a newspaper store nearby, we bought a
Casabella and a
Domus and chilled out in a cafe. We ordered some snacks and two
chocolata, a thick and rich cocoa drink. We flipped through the magazines but not long after we were distracted by a familiar aroma. A man, from the grocery right next to the cafe, was roasting chestnuts outside the cafe. We were both very excited and rushed out to see. We couldn't resist and bought a full bag of chestnut.
* * *
It was a pleasant 2-hour train ride from Conegliano to Belluno with a rewarding view of the mountain. I pushed down the upper window, rest my head and arms on it, and imagined I was flying in the wind.